I bought my baby boy MACBOOK PRO =D even it cost me 4months of salary savings =( never mind all is for the better cause =P
Beside of that, I went few places locally and overseas( macam yes..THAILAND ONLY)
Ipoh, Taiping, went hiking...yup! more active and outgoing =) compare the old me just stay at home sulking=( meh... and THAILAND yes! I've been a big fan of BEACHES...where the sun shine bright, crystal clear water, soft and smooth sands ...OMG heaven for me! I went to KOHLIPEH a.k.a Maldives of Thailand ( they said ). Despite the HIGH EXPECTATION, there's a little bitsy dissapointment when i reached there, not much different from Redang... BUT! when you go for snookering or scuba diving( at other island where the place we stay ) it does match up to its name for Maldives of Thailand! the water is just soooooo crystal clear. NO KIDDING. Sadly I'm still getting use to my baby boy. Still finding a way to transfer all the photo from my phone (Samsung S3) to baby boy since bluetooth failed to do the job.... But i will post photos of it A.S.A.P after i get all the photo updated =) awesome trip overall with great fun for snookering for the 1st time and doing it deep sea!
And I will be working till end of JUNE. Some people will be wondering what is my job... Be prepare to be not amuse by it! Im a TEACHER teaching teenage kids (secondary school) as a computer teacher. Teaching them basic software, MICROSOFT and ADOBE PHOTOSHOP & FLASH.
And about how I end up to be a teacher.. long story short, just happen! LOL
Will be continue studying after that =) updates after i get all done or confirm!
OH OH! and I've my hair cut SHORT, yes...due to heart break, sad want to start a new life or show the new me thingy? nah... just too lazy to take care of it. Bad hair. too much time and money spend on it =P Welp photo of me with my new look! #SELFIES =)
you guys may not get to see photo of me without photoshop! lucky for you guys who read my blog!
coz this is photo without photoshop but thick makeup!