Thursday, June 26, 2014

Study Plan

1st i would like to apologise on some of the post that i've promise to post but didn't? Currently I'm at my hometown, even there's internet was toooo slow. I've actually blog about my HK trip. But due to the super slow line and huge photo was unable to be post. So, i'll get back to that when i've a better internet access. =)

Now, back to the real topic. I guess those who read my blog will know that in one of the previous post I've state that I'm leaving to future my studies. Now everything has been confirm ( it's a very sudden plan in short amount of time). I'll be leaving Malaysia to New Zealand to continue my study for 1 & half year.   

People may ask why so sudden? Why choose New Zealand out of so many country.  To be HONEST, I actually didn't plan this whole thing from the beginning. I do admit that all along in my mind, I did thought of studying in overseas. BUT I never took it seriously ( to go overseas) maybe I'm not ready in sort of way or just wasting opportunity in my life. 

I guess everything you done in life has been planned by GOD or bound to sort of fate. After all the heart breaking moment where I've no idea where to go or do in my life, one day i went back to my college for my friend's final year exhibition. I've talked to a few of my lectures and one of my lectures, Mr. Jeremy Pinto (HUGE THANKS FOR MR.JEREMY FOR ALL THE HELP ) was the person who told me about studying in New Zealand.  Where's a few of the lectures and himself studied there. That moment was the time where I've decided to start new and finally I took the courage to move forward to explore, learn and leave behind the sad memories. Leaving to New Zealand would be also an opportunity to find myself, up grade my knowledge and value...until I could accept another person in my life...I need to be the one who accept myself, love myself more than anything else.

Sorry, for those emotional stuff I've wrote. hehe. Update HK trip real soon.
Once again thank you Mr. Jeremy Pinto, you have done more than just a lecture's responsibility . You're really a GREAT TEACHER AND AWESOME FRIEND. I really appreciate it =) thank you.


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